25 February, 2009

The blog that have changed the way I talked to the Telemarketers...

Those telemarketing calls have always been irritating for me. They will call you at any time, start telling about what they sells without having any concern that the receiver might be engaged in some important work or may be passing thorough a bad mood, and many times I turned impatient on such calls, till I read that article in a newspaper, which was actually an extract from a blog (I wish I would have remembered that blog, it was in Hindi).

A lady was found dead in her apartment in Mumbai, she had committed suicide. She was living with her daughter, around 4-5 years old. Her husband was passed away some time back.
In her suicide note she had asked a friend of her to take care of her daughter. Also she had a note for her daughter; she wrote “after the death of your father, I have tried all my best to ensure a good upbringing for you, and faced all the hardships of the cruel world, but now it’s all over. Please forgive me”.

On investigation it was found that the lady was passing through immense pressure and was depressed. She was working in the personal finance department of a multinational bank. Her job was to call the perspective customers and sell loans to them.
The poor lady was not able to sell a single loan for last three months…

The article left me stunned. Felt as if someone had removed the shining cover that has hidden the inhuman corporate world, where money is God and human values are starving hard to find their place and failing time and again. This instance was enough to reveal the darker side of corporate world, where to meet the targets the humans are forced to turn into machines, just living someone else’s lives.
It is hard to change the whole system but at least we can contribute by not adding our harsh words to their problems.

And since then, I have never lost my temper to such calls and tried to be as polite as I could.


  1. Yes Yogesh very true....this is getting harsher world day by day....and soon words like 'values' are gonna loose their value in this robotic world that we are treading on.

    God made Human beings and we are opting to downgrade to just machines. Nice post!

  2. I am partially with you.
    It is ok to talk politely with Telemarketers.
    But keep in mind that the lady died becoz she didn't manage to sell loan.
    Just by talking alone is not easy.

    Then you will say , why we purchase the loan from Telemarketers.

    So the solution is that, this is a business world.
    If you have something in you, you will deliver otherwise your destiny decides.

    It is a mistake and you can say inability of the lady, may be she could do something else.

    So I will blame the lady and not the business persons.


  3. Raj....I respect your views but the one thing you cant deny that these jobs are of immense mental pressure, which is not an ideal situation. The life as a human should be a daily celebration, it should be more than race for bread and butter, it should be finding your true potentials and working accordingly. And unfortunately the current setup goes against it.

  4. Its always better to talk politely and in decent manner to every person.Life is not bed of roses.Life is made up of happiness and sorrows. Tough times need tougher people.

  5. Raj seems to be a highly optimistic person which is obviously a good thing to be :) but one has to be aware and conscious about surrounding realities then only you gonna make efforts to change wrongs of life. Optimism comes with its own negative sides as you tend to ignore reality sometimes, in your hopeful bent of mind.

    And at micro level a person cannot always be expected to win!. We must learn to stand by failures also, for me particularly somebody's winning or loosing in professional life is never the criteria of judgment and perception about him or her.

    According to me funda of life should be to stay aware, conscious and realist about situations, no prototype or protocol can work universally.

  6. well..my views are some different hope its acceptable. one question i wanna ask to that hindi blog writer dat If that lady Could able to sell some policies then did she have not committed suicide ..well for time being she may not end her life up but in future she must have coz life is full of testings and she failed in very beginning but afterward it goes tougher but its all due to let us shine like pure gold is burnt & potter hits the pot to giv the shape so god wants to shape us but if we quit like this then .. no answer with me . and we can take this matter as yogesh said quite agree with that.. but we should not b harsh with any1.. but it should b our nature not due to others problems coz we are having so much of us. and we solve it nicely then we ll surely solve 90 cent of others.. like we can take talk to someone politely should b the nature of us . and again i want to quote Budhha s some wrds of "dhammapada".. " be selfish .. inform of enrich & living inside.. jst go inside then .. doin goood things to others may b the natural thing n it will b a spontaneous deed as .. each act os us should be"
    anyway nice to read it..
